<%NUMBERING1%>.<%NUMBERING2%>.<%NUMBERING3%> PRTG Manual: Install a PRTG Remote Probe

A PRTG remote probe helps you extend your monitoring to distributed networks or take load from the system running the core installation. All you need is a computer on which you can install your remote probe.

icon-i-roundYour PRTG on premises or PRTG in the cloud installations already include a probe on their core servers, the local probe and cloud probe respectively. This is why you cannot additionally install a remote probe on your core system.

icon-i-round-redBecause your remote probe needs to connect to your PRTG core server, your PRTG core server must accept incoming connections. Please prepare the core server first.

icon-i-roundPRTG updates remote probes automatically, but in rare cases a manual probe update is required. You will receive a ToDo ticket in this case. Please follow the steps below to manually update a remote probe.

Download the Remote Probe Installer from the PRTG Web Interface

On the computer on which you want to install remote probe, log in to the PRTG web interface. From the main menu bar, select Setup | Downloads | Remote Probe Installer. Click Download: Remote Probe Installer and save the setup program to your local disk.

icon-i-round-redThe version numbers of core and probe services must match. PRTG updates probes automatically when a new version is installed on the PRTG core server. If PRTG advises you to update your remote probe manually, open a web browser on your remote computer and download the remote probe installer as described in this manual section.

Install the Remote Probe

Execute the setup program that you have just downloaded.

Windows User Account Control Confirmation Request

Windows User Account Control Confirmation Request

Confirm the Windows User Account Control dialog with Yes to allow the installation. The usual software installation wizard will guide you through the installation process.

PRTG Remote Probe Setup Ready to Install 

PRTG Remote Probe Setup Ready to Install

Click Install to start the installation process of your remote probe.

PRTG Remote Probe Setup Installing

PRTG Remote Probe Setup Installing

Please wait until the installation is completed. The remote probe will automatically connect to your PRTG core server then.

PRTG Remote Probe Setup Connecting to Server

PRTG Remote Probe Setup Connecting to Server

If the remote probe successfully connects to your PRTG core server, you can complete the setup of your new remote probe.

icon-i-round-redTo allow your new remote probe to connect to the PRTG core server, PRTG automatically sets the Allow IPs field in System Administration—Core & Probes to any. We recommend that you use this setting in intranets only. If any is not an option for you, cancel it in the Allow IPs field and enter the IP address of your remote probe instead.

PRTG Remote Probe Successful Setup

PRTG Remote Probe Successful Setup

Click Continue to finish the remote probe installation.

PRTG Remote Probe Finish Setup

PRTG Remote Probe Finish Setup

Finally, click Finish to exit the installation wizard. The remote probe is now installed on your computer as a Windows service.

Remember to log in to the PRTG web interface to acknowledge your new remote probe!

PRTG Remote Probe Approval

PRTG Remote Probe Approval

icon-prtg-on-demandIf you successfully installed the remote probe from a PRTG in the cloud installation, you will see the following dialog box.

Approve PRTG Remote Probe for PRTG on demand

Approve PRTG Remote Probe for PRTG on demand

Click Approve and auto-discover new probe to include your new remote probe device and network in your device tree and to start the PRTG auto-discovery. It helps you discover devices and automatically create suitable sensors. Optionally, you can also choose to only approve your remote probe without starting an auto-discovery by clicking Approve new probe. The probe now appears as a new object in your device tree.

For unwanted probe connections, you can click Deny new probe. Note that this does not uninstall the remote probe, but only prohibits the probe from connecting to the PRTG core server.

icon-i-round-redIf you deny or remove a remote probe, PRTG will include this device's global ID (GID) into Deny GIDs in System Administration—Core & Probes. Future probe connections from this device will be denied automatically.

PRTG Remote Probe Approved

PRTG Remote Probe Approved

In the Approving probe dialog, click OK to exit the dialog, or click Show probe in device tree to open the new probe in the device tree directly.

icon-i-roundYou do not have to approve remote probes after updates.


For more details about the remote probe installation and core probe connection process, see the Remote Probe Using Installer section.

You can also use the PRTG Administration Tool to edit administrative settings regarding your PRTG core and probe installations. See the Remote Probe Setup section for more detailed information about the remote probe setup.


Installing the Software—Topics

Keywords: Configure,Configure Probe